
In which a man blethers about stuff he has seen.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Problem With This Country Is...

English TV is bollocks. I'm going to save people alot of time now, and address all the "Why do you never cover English TV?" comments before they happen. It's simple. English TV is rubbish. God awful. Don't get me wrong (and nobody who knows me could ever think this) I'm no huge fan of American culture, but when it comes to TV production, we're not even in the game.

"But what about all those classic Sit-Coms?"

"What about all those BBC Dickens adaptions?"

"What about Dr. Who?*"

What about them? The problem with TV, as opposed to films, is that money really makes a difference. If you compare for example a British TV drama to the US equivalent, it's just embarrassing. Let's just do a little run-down.

Spooks Vs 24 US win (Huge margin)

ER Vs Holby City US win

Bad Girls Vs Prison Break US win (Embarrassing margin)

Dr. Who Vs Eureka US win

I could go on. And on. The fact is, we just don't make as much effort. The gap between LA-made TV and LA-made movies is much, much narrower than the gap between UK-made TV and LA-made movies. Don't chirp anything about British films, we all know all the good ones are paid for by LA, so they're in that catagory too. Curiously, the only genre in which the UK output slightly edges past the US is reality TV, and I hold such contempt for every instance of this concept that it will never again be discussed herein. It pains me to say this, but even The OC is probably better than it's equvalent (Hollyoaks), just by virtue of the token totty being better quality.

Anyway, no doubt there'll be some debate here. Just so as you know, you're all wrong.


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