
In which a man blethers about stuff he has seen.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

To spoil, or not to spoil?

Over the years I've developed quite a network of non-professionals who keep me well up to date with what's going on in the major TV shows, and some Hollywood productions, some time before the mainstream media gets to hear about it. I probably don't get anything faster than the dedicated fansites, but I bet I get a better spread. I was thinking of doing a weekly column on here keeping readers ahead of the game, but I'm very aware some people *hate* having plots and surprises spoiled for them. So, what do you lot think? A good idea, or should I keep my fat monkey paws in my pocket on that one?


At 9:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

go for it :)

At 9:29 am, Blogger 200percent said...

Spoil away, bitch.


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