
In which a man blethers about stuff he has seen.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Snakes on a creeping sense of doom

Were you ever in a situation when you were younger when you'd begged and begged for a birthday present, then realised a week beforehand that you didn't really want it any more? However, you knew your parents had moved mountains and remortgaged the house to buy it for you, so you had to shut up and pretend to like it.

This is pretty much how I feel about the impending arrival of Snakes on a Plane. I've been terribly excited about it for months, and now I just have a horrible feeling it's going to be rubbish. The trailers don't inspire much optimism I must say.

I'll be reviewing it here in the next couple of days, but for now what *does* look good as an alternative is this: Snakes on a Train

It pays to be different.


At 10:05 am, Blogger 5olly said...

i am in no way at all looking forward to seeing this film. i am however enjoying the american tv show 'The 4400'. write a review about that. it should be shared.

At 10:26 am, Blogger Moore said...

I've been watching the 4400 fot a while. I will indeed shre my thought later today.


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