
In which a man blethers about stuff he has seen.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Autumn Preview, Part 1b

Back from the bank, let's get on with it shall we?

Next up a personal favourite in the shape of 24. Who will Jack get to torture this time? They've done the president now, so my guess is Kofi Annan and a busload of schoolkids. Since 24 doesn't begin its run until January details are still thin on the ground. They currently seem to be busy repopulating the cast after the mayhem of season 5, but there's little point me telling you who's going to be in it until I know what characters they'll be playing. The info is out there if you're really that interested. What I do know is that the 6th season will start some 12-15 months after season 5 finished. Also, LA is out this time, with most of the action taking place in NYC. Don't expect to see Jack's escape from the clutches of the Chinese, as his flight time back to the US would eat up about half the series. Do expect to see Chloe back, along with Curtis, Bill Buchannan, and also, interestingly, President Logan and his wife, Martha.

So, that's the situation on the big boys so far. I'm never entirely sure what to cover and what people are watching/interested in. If there's a show you really want covered chances are I watch it and have some details to share. Leave any requests in comments and I'll look into it.


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