The Top Ten of Top Tens of Top Tens, Ever!
I've been asked to do a kind of top ten films that everyone should see. I'm loathe to do this at first because these things are notoriously hard to do. If someone asks you to list your top ten albums/films/mass murderers it's almost impossible to do because your taste changes so quickly. I've tried it in the past and my taste has changed before I've got to item no. 7, and I already want to dump item no.2 from the list.
However, I like the idea that it'll give me some focus in the next few weeks so I'm going to do something very slightly different and do a "Top 10 films you might well not have seen but which i quite like". Many of you will have seen most of these. Some of you will have seen all of them. If you have seen all of them, you're officially as sad as me, so well done.
I'm going to kick this off wih a little "top ten" of things that will NOT appear in this top 10, just so you don't keep hanging around for your favourite to turn up.
1. Anything to do with Star Wars
2. Anything to do with Back to the Future
3. Anything to do with Superman
4. Donnie Darko
5. Anything directed by Tim Burton
6. Anything to do with Indiana jones
7. Anything to do with The Godfather
8. Anything directed by Stanley Cubrick
9. Ghostbusters
10. Busty Brenda's Bollock Bonanza
Ok. Now we have some ground rules. Let's go.
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